Fusion Flo is an excellent flowable composite that delivers high strength & wear resistance. It is characterized by optimum surface affinity, penetrates into most difficult area. It combines esthetics as well as flow on demand handling for use.
Hemostal is 25% buffered aluminium chloride solution for stopping minor gingival bleeding during restorative procedures, placement of metal bands, cervical matrixes, and crown preparations.
Heat cure denture base resin is polymethyl methacrylate polymer which is cadmium,lead, arsenic-free conventional heat curing denture base material and forms a solid base of full and partial dentures
Quantity: 110 ml
Heat cure denture base liquid contains methyl methacrylate monomer added with cross linking additive to ensure high impact resistance and flexural strength
Cal LC is light cured radiopaque calcium hydroxide paste useful in pulp capping and as a protective base/liner under dental filling materials, cements & other base materials.